Molecular Evidence (rationale) for plasma cell targeted therapy in iMCD patients:

  • “Bortezomib, a selective proteasome inhibitor that preferentially targets plasma cells, has lowered IL-6 levels and induced remission in 4 cases of iMCD” (Blood 2014)

Case Reports of anti-plasma cell therapy for iMCD patients:

Bortezomib is “a selective proteasome inhibitor that preferentially targets plasma cells, has lowered IL-6 levels and induced remission in 4 cases of iMCD” (Blood 2014) “Bortezomib may work in iMCD via direct inhibition of NF-kB” (Blood 2014)

  • Please click here to read case reports of iMCD patients receiving Bortezomib.

Clinical Trials targeting plasma cells in iMCD:

No clinical trials targeting plasma cells in iMCD patients have been conducted.

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