04/04/2024 Important insight for Castleman disease patients: In a study published in the journal Haemotologica, members of the Center for Cytokine Storm Treatment & Laboratory (CSTL) at the University of Pennsylvania investigated the long-term disease burden experienced by patients with idiopathic multicentric Castleman disease (iMCD). The research utilized real-world medical data from ACCELERATE, a large natural history registry of Castleman disease patients, to better understand the disease’s impact on patients’ lives and over all well-being. Their findings demonstrate the significant burdens faced by iMCD patients, from frequent hospitalizations, common need for life-saving treatments, to long periods spent in active disease flare. The study underscores the substantial burden experienced by iMCD patients and emphasizes the importance of ongoing research to identify a biomarker for quicker and more accurate diagnosis, improve disease management in patients with inadequate disease control, and improve outcomes for patients suffering from this life-long disease.