The CDCN was founded by the principle that patients should be at the center of research and the clinical care network. The key to this disease is within each patient, and by collaborating with the community we can unlock the unknowns and achieve our mission to improve survival for all patients. Please consider donating, attending an event, donating samples and data to research, or volunteering with us!
We are only as strong as our community. Join the fight, and together, we will end Castleman disease.
Patients: Donate Samples
Donating samples to help advance our life saving research is one of the most important ways you can join in the fight against your disease.
Patients: Join the Registry
We need your help. With even more patients enrolling into ACCELERATE and providing their medical data and Castleman disease story, we will have a clearer understanding of Castleman disease, physicians will be better equipped to provide the best treatment for their patients, and we will move even closer to finding a cure.
Donate to the CDCN
Anyone can join in the fight against Castleman disease by donating! Over 90% of all CDCN donations are used solely for high-impact Castleman disease research.
Join our Community
Patients & Loved Ones, Physicians & Researchers, and community supporters can stay up-to-date with the CDCN and the latest CD research by joining our community.
- Patients & Loved Ones can sign up here
- Physicians & Researchers can sign up here.
- Community Supporters can sign up here.
Castleman Disease Warriors:
The castleman warrior program was designed as a way to bring patients and loved ones together to unite them in their ability to raise awareness and funds for the CDCN. The warrior team is a group of people who work together to share thoughts, plans, fundraising ideas, and agendas for how we can help find our cure.
Check out our current warrior team here! If you are interested in becoming a warrior and fighting back against Castleman Disease, please click here.
Amazon Smile:
We are all looking for ways to join the fight and help advance life saving research. Shopping through Amazon smile is one simple and easy way to give back to research. Link your Amazon account to Amazon Smile and select the Castleman Disease Collaborative Network (CDCN) so that 0.5% of future purchases will be donated to the CDCN and life-saving research! It is the same products, same prices, and same Amazon service, just helps you give back to the CDCN! Visit to select your charity and get started, and learn more about the program here!
The CDCN is comprised of physicians, researchers, patients, loved ones, and medical students. Our organization would not be successful without the hard work and dedication from so many people who volunteer their time to help us take down this disease. If you are passionate about Castleman disease, and want to help us advance our life saving research by joining our team, please complete the following form: